Partnered Projects offers a variety of promo codes and discounts for their services. As of August 2024, there are 10 active coupons, including 3 promo codes and 7 deals. Some notable offers include:
15% OFF on the first order by joining the Partnered Projects list.
10% OFF for signing up.
75% OFF on select items.
70% OFF on specific promotions.
65% OFF during big sales.
8% OFF on YouTube promotion items.
7% OFF on TikTok promotion items.
5% OFF on Spotify promotion items.
Free shipping on certain orders.
Partnered Projects focuses on providing organic music promotion services, helping artists grow their audience through platforms like Spotify and TikTok. Their services include access to a large network of organically curated playlists, ensuring genuine engagement and streams.
For those looking to maximize savings, using these promo codes and deals can significantly reduce costs while benefiting from effective music promotion services.