To use promo codes on, follow these steps:
- Find the promo code you want to use. This can be done by visiting websites that offer Dizzy Duck Designs promo codes or directly from the Dizzy Duck Designs website.
- Copy the promo code. Click on the code to copy it to your clipboard.
- Visit and add items to your cart. Browse through the products and select the items you wish to purchase.
- Proceed to checkout. Once you have added all desired items to your cart, go to the checkout page.
- Enter the promo code. Look for a box labeled "Promo Code" or "Discount Code" on the checkout page. Paste the copied promo code into this box.
- Apply the code. Click on the "Apply" button to activate the discount. The total amount should reflect the discount if the code is valid.
- Complete the purchase. Fill in the necessary details and finalize your order.
If the promo code does not work, double-check for any expiration dates or terms and conditions that might apply.